Data Governance in Blockchain-Based Systems for Internship Grade Conversion




Data Governance, Blockchain, Internship Evaluation, Fuzzy Logic, Higher Education


Higher education institutions facechallenges in collaborating with the corporate sector and other academic entities, necessitating secure and effective communication channels. The Merdeka Learning program provides students with an expansive platform to acquire scientific knowledge and ensures equitable competencies among graduates. This study aims to address the increasing importance of data governance in such collaborations by proposing a blockchain-based framework specifically for internship grade conversion. Blockchain technology offers a secure and tamper-proof solution for managing and sharing data, addressing challenges in transparency and consistency. The research adopts an experimental approach combined with a comprehensive review of blockchain technology and its integration into existing data governance frameworks. The proposed outcome includes a detailed data governance framework with a prototype data management layer built on blockchain, ensuring robust data security and reliable internship evaluations. By leveraging blockchain immutability and transparency, the framework enhances the reliability of grade conversion, reduces manual errors, and promotes fair assessments. This research contributes to improving the operational efficiency of academic institutions and fostering trust among stakeholders. Furthermore, the framework aligns with the goals of Merdeka Learning by supporting seamless internship management and ensuring transparent evaluation processes. The findings aim to provide a scalable and impactful solution for higher education institutions, facilitating a more reliable and innovative approach to managing data in collaborative environments.


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How to Cite

Widayanti, R., Mutiara, A. B., & Tarigan, A. (2024). Data Governance in Blockchain-Based Systems for Internship Grade Conversion. Aptisi Transactions on Technopreneurship (ATT), 6(3), 509−521.




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