Enhancing AIKU Adoption: Insights from the Role of Habit in Behavior Intention
AIKU, Air Quality, HT, BIN, UTAUT2Abstract
This research focuses on exploring and understanding the role of Habit in sustaining the adoption and continuous use of AIKU technology as its primary objective. The UTAUT2 model was chosen, emphasizing the Habit variable (HT) along with 6 other key variables: Performance Expectancy (PEX), Effort Expectancy (EEX), Price Value (PV), Social Influence (SIN) on Behavioral Intention (BIN), and User Behavior (UB), with the addition of external variables Perceived Risk (PR) and moderating Gender and Experience. The research methodology involves data analysis using SmartPLS 4.0 software and the UTAUT2 model as the framework and theoretical foundation. Survey data were collected from 414 AIKU users in Indonesia. Findings based on data analysis indicate that factors such as PE, EE, and PV significantly positively influence BI to continue using AIKU. In addition to filling gaps in knowledge regarding the role of Habit in air quality technology literature, another finding is that H significantly positively influences BIN and UB, while BIN significantly positively influences UB. This research’s novelty and primary contribution lie in the implications concerning the crucial emphasis on the Habit factor in sustaining AIKU usage. The development implications underscore the importance of psychological factors in technology acceptance and retention, providing valuable insights for future strategy and policy development. Limitations of this research lie in the focus on the AIKU system affecting result generalization. Future research, expanding coverage, considering air quality system variations, employing diverse data collection methods such as in-depth interviews are recommended.
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