Hash Algorithm In Verification Of Certificate Data Integrity And Security
Blockchain, Hash Algorithm, SHA-256, Certificate Data Integrity.Abstract
The hash function is the most important cryptographic primitive function and is an integral part of the blockchain data structure. Hashes are often used in cryptographic protocols, information security applications such as Digital Signatures and message authentication codes (MACs). In the current development of certificate data security, there are 2 (two) types of hashes that are widely applied, namely, MD and SHA. However, when it comes to efficiency, in this study the hash type SHA-256 is used because it can be calculated faster with a better level of security. In the hypothesis, the Merkle-Damgård construction method is also proposed to support data integrity verification. Moreover, a cryptographic hash function is a one-way function that converts input data of arbitrary length and produces output of a fixed length so that it can be used to securely authenticate users without storing passwords locally. Since basically, cryptographic hash functions have many different uses in various situations, this research resulted in the use of hash algorithms in verifying the integrity and authenticity of certificate information.
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