APTISI Transactions on Technopreneurship (ATT) is an international, triannual, open-access journal. It is indexed by Scopus in the categories of Business Management and Accounting (Management Information Systems), Computer Science (Information Systems), and Social Science. With a 2023 CiteScore of 4.2 and an SNIP of 0.357, ATT ranks in the 76th percentile in Education, placing it in the highest first quartile (Q1) category. The journal focuses on original, high-quality research exploring the intersection of entrepreneurship and emerging technologies, catering to academicians, graduate students, practitioners, and business research enthusiasts, providing a platform for cutting-edge discussions. All submissions undergo a rigorous double-blind peer-review process, and accepted manuscripts are freely available online as open-access content.

ATT aims to be a dynamic intellectual and research hub in technopreneurship, aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Its focus areas include startupreneurship, edupreneurship, agripreneurship, fashionpreneurship, culturalpreneurship, creativepreneurship, digitalpreneurship, adventurepreneurship, healthpreneurship, foodpreneurship, socialpreneurship, critical thinking preneurship, and economic development. By fostering innovation and addressing social challenges, ATT supports advancements in technology-embedded entrepreneurial activities, contributing to sustainable economic and social development. The journal strives to enhance understanding and practices in technopreneurship and contribute to the broader discourse on the impact of technology on entrepreneurial activities and economic policies.

 Journal Title: APTISI Transactions on Technopreneurship (ATT)
 Language: English
 ISSN2656-8888 (Online), 2655-8807 (Print)
 Frequency: 3 issues per year (Triannual), March, July and November
Prof. Dr. Ankur Singh Bist, B.Tech., M.Tech., Ph.D (ID Scopus: 56127087200)

 OAI: https://att.aptisi.or.id/index.php/att/oai
 For Hardcopy Order:
 Citation Analysis: Scopus, Google Scholar
 Journal Imprint: Imprint

Accepted and published papers on APTISI Transactions on Technopreneurship will be freely accessed in this website and the following abstracting & indexing databases:

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Current Issue

Vol. 6 No. 2 (2024): July
					View Vol. 6 No. 2 (2024): July

All articles in this issue (10 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 33 authors from 8 countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, United Arab Emirates, Taiwanese, Japan, Singapore, Africa, United Kingdom

Published: 2024-07-10


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